Prayers for May

Dear Lord,

We pray for the transformation of our carbonbased economies. Give wisdom to our leaders and investors to plan a way forward and to force the pace of change.

Help us to play our part in steering the world toward a more sustainable future.


Prayers for April

Creator of the universe, we pray in gratitude and praise. You were there at the beginning of all things, shaping our word and preparing it for us. You have provided the mountains and the trees, the waters and the earth. Help us to be caretakers of your gifts, protecting the land from abuse and ready to share with all in need. Show us how to use our science and technology in creative, not destructive ways. Deepen our awareness of our connectedness with all your creation, so that future generations will also enjoy every blessing.


Prayer for March

Loving Lord,

Your word reminds us how much you value and love children. We pray for the climate crisis and the devastating impact on children’s lives and future generations.

We thank you for young people and their passion and conviction to care for and protect your world for the common good. We pray that their actions and words will be taken seriously. We ask that as adults, we will strive to protect the world they will grow up in.

Bless all those who strive to protect your world and our precious children.


Prayers for February

God of life,

We praise you for the beauty of creation, its richness and variety; yet through greed and ignorance, we scar your world with plastic waste and throw so much away. Help us to tread gently on this earth, our common home and breathe your Spirit on us, that we may care more deeply for your Earth. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Prayers for January 2024

Dear Lord,

We pray for Earths healing and protection. Heal our planet from pollution and destruction. May humanity close its eyes to greed and material riches and open its eyes to natural wonders.  Guide all of us as we learn to embrace eco friendly and sustainable lifestyles. Be with all scientists, researchers, climate activists and environmental advocates as they fight for a greener world free from global warming and destruction.

May you save our planet and all the life and beauty it holds..
